Monday, November 30, 2015

A Year of Gratitudes

So much to be grateful for.
(Part one is here).

11. Chocolate. Obviously.

12. Finding new tank tops, on sale no less, to replace some well worn camisoles. And! - I bought a couple that were not just black or white. V v excited!

13. Sitting at the window with my husband and all three kiddo's watching the birds at out bird feeder, with binoculars, identification guides and a song bird app. Perfect Sunday morning.

14. Spending time with My Good Man and having that sudden  happy realization that I really really like him. More than love him; I LIKE him. He's a great person to be around.

15. Found all three kiddos in our newly created homeschool/work office, busy busy busy with projects.

16. Podcasts. I can't tell you how much podcasts have changed my relationship with chores for the better. (I could do a post just on my podcast listening ... there are a lot of them!)

17. Homemade crumpets. With butter. And jam. So good.

18. Finding just the thing I wanted, on sale during the Black Friday weekend, without a lot of hunting and searching. And free shipping.

19. The Facebook Groups App, which has allowed me to remove the Facebook App from my phone and helped me take a big step away from FB.

20. Gilmore Girls. Don't judge; its the perfect fun, and not too heavy Netflix binge fodder.