Sunday, April 28, 2013

Upcycling Sunday!

Upcycling, def. the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.

Despite the ups and downs of the last couple of months, upcycling things out of our home (through selling, donating, gifting and Freeycling) has gone on unabated. Back in December 2012, I joined a challenge to free my home of 2013 items in the year 2013. At the time this seemed a little unrealistic, and yeet here we are, barely a third of the way through the year, and I have currently moved 1,412 items from our home!
That's right! 1,412!!
In addition to Freecycle, I have also started putting together boxes for Goodwill (just in case items are not taken through Freecycle), and I have also started to sell an item here or there through or Ebay. 
Selling items is newer for me, and I can't say that it has been a huge money maker for us, but the few dollars here and there do start to add up.
But really the biggest Upcycling news in our home this week is this ...

 In the past, this chair has been the waiting area for any items awaiting sale/donating/gifting. And we are now at the stage where our waiting area has been whittled down to a single box. Yay! Which means we get our chair back!! (I am going to conveniently forget that Baby Girl and Little Boy are now using the chair to either get to the books on the bookcase behind the chair, or to catapult themselves onto the floor ... )

How is your Upcycling going? Do you have any donation goals you are working towards? Feel free to share in the comments; I'd love to hear from you!