I just love The Frugal Girl blog. Really - just love!
Each week (well - most weeks) she blogs about her food waste, a kind of public declaration, aimed to reduce her own food waste. And she invites the rest of us to join her!
I let you know yesterday that my camera had died, which means I have no photos to show of my food waste this week, resulting in perhaps the most boring of all Food Waste Friday posts - sorry!
But, I really had to share!
Last week, I had a zero waste week, which was fab, but made me a little nervous. After such a good week, it seemed inevitable that I would have a bad week.
But no!
Two bananas (that went so black and mushy, they would taste awful even added to something in a recipe) and one moldy kiwi out of a newly bought package.
Not too bad!! Yay!
How was your Food Waste this week? Feel free to add a comment, or a link back to your own blog if you wrote about Food Waste Friday too; I'd love to hear from you!