Friday, October 12, 2012

A Play Day

Just recently we had a 'home day', a day for me to catch up with the house a little, and for the children to just take some time to hang out at home, without being ferried around in the car, or be tied to a schedule.

This was really the perfect play day, because I had just recently received one of those HUGE boxes from an online retailer. The minute I announced I was going to empty it, The Little Guy, who is four years old, was waiting impatiently to take ownership of the box.

It's a boat ... and a castle .... and an airplane ... and a rocketship ... !

From there it was a short step to getting out the pop-up tents, and playsilks, laundry baskets and cushions.

At one point I overheard The Little Guy telling his two little siblings, "Let's find alllllll the junk in the house, and put it in our tents", which I think they made a valiant effort to do! *sigh*

Of course, the close of this story is this ...

Flattened cardboard boxes and tents, toys everywhere and no kids to be seen!

What are your Little One's favorite ways to have simple Play Days? Do you have particular toys or household items that you put out to inspire and encourage imaginative play? Feel free to share in the comments below; I'd love to hear from you!